WARRIOR HEALING CIRCLES: Expert-Guided Peer Support and Skill Seminars for People in Transition, Residential Treatment, and Dual-Recovery. Dozens of people each week are supported through our circles!
ODYSSEY MEN'S GATHERING: Master Storytellers, Elders, and Spiritual Educators invite men of all ages to share their stories and engage in a journey of healing and transformation
SPIRIT-NATURE RETREATS: For People ready to step up, focus their commitment and receive support to go deeper into their healing process. Experienced guides, instructors, and facilitators offer an array of holistic services, healthy food, purification practices, spiritual education, and game-changing healing processes. Scholarships are made available through our donor support
Online Media and Courses: We are adding the outreach and curriculum to more people interested in recovery, your donation will help us launch the Warrior Evolution Podcast and Videos, and an array of online courses to help people in recovery to evolve and learn.
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